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책갈피 추가

106페이지 내용 : 100 Algal Flora of Korea · Marine Red Algae Fig. 78. Gracilaria textorii. A. A wild plant in lower intertidal zone, attached on rock covered by mud Tongyoung; 5.ii.2014 ; B. A fresh specimen, showing a short stipe and more or less regular dichotomous branches with fairly distant intervals and bifurcate apices Tongyoung; 5.ii.2014 ; C. A dry cystocarpic plant, showing 3 erects arose from single discoid holdfast and fairly widen irregular shaped branching segments with marginal proliferous branchlets and dichotomous-palmate branchings in upper portion Seongsan, Jeju; 27.xi.2009 ; D. Cystocarps. A B CD

책갈피 추가

107페이지 내용 : GracilarialesGracilariaceae 101 Fig. 79. Gracilaria textorii. A. Cross section of the middle portion of a branch; B. Detail of abrupt transition from outer cortical cell to medulla in cross section; C. Detail of cortical cell layer in cross section; D. Surface view of tetrasporangia; E. Cross section view of a tetrasporangium; F. Cross section of a cystocarp. A B C D EF

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