4페이지 내용 : 04 2023 Biodiversity Statistics of Korea Foreword In December 2023, Korea established the 5th National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NBSAP under the vision of ‘a sustainable society where everyone fairly shares the benefts nature ofers through harmonization and coexistence with nature.’ The 5th NBSAP includes 21 targets tailored to national circumstances, linked to the 23 targets of the Kunming-Montreal K-M Global Biodiversity Framework GBF adopted in December 2022. The 5th NBSAP will serve as the foundation for all biodiversity policies and research in Korea until 2028. The 5th NBSAP encompasses ambitious targets such as designating 30% of terrestrial and marine areas as ecologically important, initiating restoration in 30% of priority degraded areas, and enhancing health benefts by expanding urban natural areas. Credible national-level biodiversity statistics are essential for the successful implementation of the 5th NBSAP. The National Institute of Biological Resources NIBR , serving as the national biodiversity center and a representative body compiling national biodiversity information, has been publishing the ‘Biodiversity Statistics of Korea’ since 2013. The ‘2023 Biodiversity Statistics of Korea’ has improved its application by compiling statistical information about indigenous species of Korea and the current status of biological resources around the world. As of December 2023, the yearbook reports a total of 60,010 indigenous species in Korea, a 3.4% increase, including 21 vertebrate species, 731 invertebrate species including insects , 76 plant species, and 1,132 microorganism species. Additionally, comprehensive information about Koreas biodiversity and its management status can be easily accessed, covering∙ Endangered wildlife designated by the Ministry of Environment; ∙ Organisms managed by relevant ministries, including marine protected species and natural monuments; ∙ Protection areas such as wildlife protection areas and wetland protection areas. I hope that the ‘2023 Biodiversity Statistics of Korea’ will be widely utilized for making rational decisions, formulating policies, and conducting research to enhance biodiversity conservation and its sustainable use. I express sincere appreciation to the experts in relevant institutions for their contributions to this publication. At NIBR, we remain committed to continually providing more valuable data to support its frequent use. June 2024 SUH, Min Hwan President National Institute of BiologicalResources
5페이지 내용 : 05 Notice to Reader Notice to Reader ● The ‘2023 Biodiversity Statistics of Korea’ contains information as of December 31, 2023, to provide a comprehensive status update on the biodiversity and biological resources of Korea. If the reference date difers, it is specifed separately. All ratio fgures are rounded of. Therefore, the sum of the detailed items may not match the grand total. The symbol ‘-’ in the table represents non-applicable data or a zero value. ● The number of species of Korea is based on the ‘National Species List of Korea’ compiled by the National Institute of Biological Resources hereinafter NIBR in 2023. Classifcation system followed Ruggiero et al. 2015 Animalia Vertebrates, Tunicates, Invertebrates excluding insects and Insects Plantae Vascular Plants, Bryophytes, Charophytes, Chlorophytes and Rhodophytes Chromista Diatoms, Dinofagellates, Ochrophytes, Cryptophytes, Haptophytes and Pyrrophytes Fungi Fungi and Lichens Protozoa Protozoa and Euglenophytes Bacteria Bacteria and Cyanobacteria Archaea Archaea ● The current status of biological resources is based on data from the NIBR, the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources, and the Honam National Institute of Biological Resources, as well as information from relevant ministries, all linked through the ‘CBD-CHM KOREA’ site www.cbd-chm.go.kr ● The current global status of species is based on number of species counts from the Annual Checklist provided by the Catalogue of Life www.catalogueofife.org and data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN ※ This statistical databook is available in both Korean and English and can be downloaded from the ‘CBD-CHM KOREA’ site www.cbdchm.go.kr ※ For inquiries and error corrections, please contact the Biodiversity Research and Cooperation Division at the National Institute of Biological Resources Tel. 82-32-590-7397 ※ The image used on the cover was created using data from OneZoom www.onezoom.org