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title NIBR held 2022 Children’s day event
writer Administration Services Division
Date 2022.05.30 Hit 639

NIBR held the 2022 biodiversity festival celebrating children’s day at NIBR. 

This event provided interesting online and offline programs in response to COVID 19.

Visitors enjoyed hands-on experiences at “Seng Seng Forest” in the NIBR exhibition building, and its first exhibition hall has been renovated with special display methods and dioramas. 

Various activities such as stamp tour, animal balloon gifts, photo zones were also popular with kids and their parents. 

For online events, one of the popular Korean YouTuber for kids’ contents “Kkuk TV” guided 

NIBR tour and gave a lecture on viper snakes with experts. The lecture is available at NIBR YouTube channel.

The Metaverse event using ZEPETO platform also caught visitors’ eyes that day. Cyber NIBR (www.zep.us/play/yxE7L5) was open for anyone who joined 

NIBR Children’s Day event both online and offline.


Metaverse event

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