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title NIBR-NIHHS signed MOU to localize biological materials
writer Administration Services Division
Date 2022.06.30 Hit 710

NIBR-NIHHS signed MOU to localize biological materials


National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) and National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science (NIHHS) signed MOU on 23 June 2022, in NIBR’s Research Management Building. 

The purpose of the MOU is to conduct joint research on domestic biological and agricultural resources and cooperate to develop indigenous new varieties in response to the Nagoya Protocol.


Under the MOU, NIBR will provide information on Korean indigenous species including their taxonomic data, list, and potentiality for commercialization. NIHHS will develop new herbal varieties and cultivation techniques, and distribute the information to domestic farmers. 

The two institutes will also share information on the needs for biological materials between domestic biotech companies and farmers for localization of these materials. 

Joint research and mutual technology cooperation will be carried out between the two institutes to effectively localize biological and agricultural resources. 

This MOU will be expected to support Korean biotech industry and farmers with a stable supply of biological and horticultural resources and promote cooperation between the two research institutions.

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