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title “Biodiversity Statistics of Korea 2021” Published
writer Administration Services Division
Date 2022.08.31 Hit 680

“Biodiversity Statistics of Korea 2021” Published 

NIBR published “Biodiversity Statistics of Korea 2021” (“the 2021 Statistics”) covering statistical data on a total of 56,248 Korean indigenous species with pictures and graphics.

The 2021 Statistics covers the number of Korean indigenous species by 7 kingdom classification, which are Animalia, Plantae, Chromista, Fungi, Protozoa, Bacteria, and Archaea. 

Animal kingdom takes the largest share accounting for 57% of all 56,248 species in the 2021 statistics. 35% of the Animals were insects (19,809 species).

It is estimated that there are 2,206 endemic species in Korea. 

Amphibians have high proportion of endemic species, accounting for 22.22% of all Korean amphibians (6 out of 27 species) in 2021. Mammals are 0.8%, birds 0.18%, and fish 4.98%.  

The 2021 Statistics will be made available at www.kbr.go.kr in pdf and jpg formats. The book will also be distributed to central and local government agencies, libraries, and other relevant institutions in Korea. 
