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title 467 Korean indigenous species newly reported
writer Administration Services Division
Date 2022.11.03 Hit 633

467 Korean indigenous species newly reported 

NIBR recently identified 467 Korean species of which 163 are new and 304 unrecorded species from 

the project: Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species in 2022. 

The research project has been conducted since 2006, and described total of about 56,000 

Korean indigenous species. All those species have been listed in National Species List of Korea 

and published in academic journals.

Of 163 newly described species, the Braconidae (Cratospila longivena), a family of parasitoid 

wasps, was one of the major findings.  


As parasitoids, the wasps lay their egg in the bodies of fruit flies that damage plants’ fruits or leave, 

causing the death of these hosts. NIBR researchers focus on the wasps’ life cycle, 

considering this could be used for biological controls.


Other 7 new species draw attention to their industrial potential. In particular, 

3 bacteria known to Hymenobacter are remarkable findings of the project when it comes to their anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory bacteria.   

Jin-Young Park, Director General of NIBR said: “We will continue to conduct advanced 

research on the new and unrecorded species we found for commercialization and industrial use.”

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