National Migratory Birds Center

Major research interests

Study on distribution and migration of migratory birds

Management of Korea Birds Banding Scheme (KBBS)

Winter Waterbird Census of Korea

Survey for migratory shorebirds and colonial breeding waterbirds

Migratory birds monitoring and bird-banding at stopover sites (islands)

Study on Genetic Diversity of Migratory Birds

Integrated management of bird data and provision of services to the public

Support for national policies for birds conservation and management

National Migratory Birds Center investigates the distribution of migratory birds and conducts research on the ecology of bird migration. Information on migratory birds collected through the survey is being integrated and managed through the system, and it contributes to raising awareness of birds by providing public services. We also support national policies for birds conservation and management and we are promoting joint research and cooperation for migratory birds between countries.